October 3, 2007
I've got a terrible cold today. As I got up out of bed for a warming cup of tea and honey I was struck by an urge to fix up some of the things that have been bothering me with MathGL++.
I'm going to fix the documentation once and for all, and upload the windows installers for the Python ports.
Wish me luck :-)
Posted by: Jacques
April 14, 2006
OK, I've commited my latest batch of code to the CVS repository. Nothing major just some updates
and lots of build script fixes. I am now running a FreeBSD system as my development platform and it
exposed some flaws in my autoconf/automake files. Hopefully it should be an even smoother build from CVS now. I have found that on some systems the XPATH might not set the CPPFLAGS correctly.
If you are experiencing problems with ./configure finding the OpenGL headers; add CPPFLAGS='I/usr/X11R6/include' or equivalent.
Posted by: Jacques
March 31, 2006
I'm back.... After a long hiatus I am finally back infront of the keyboard, hacking away at MathGL++ and ContextGL++. Now that I have grown as a programmer I hope that I will be able to bring some more 'class' to the project and some real world solutions. Highest om my agenda will be making sure the python bindings are 100% there and improving skinning support. I believe skinning is already very easy to do with MathGL++, I just want to make sure it is super easy! Also note that Hugh Perkins has made a C# port of MathGL++, thanks Hugh, it is available from the sourceforge site.
Posted by: Jacques
May 25, 2005
A new day a new release. Actually there are 3 new releases on the MathGL++ site. 1 stable and 2 unstable packages for you all to unwrap like presents on christmas day. Alex Holkners patch has been merged and should improve MacOSX support and also general POSIX system OpenGL linking and compiling. I am planning to put up a few tutorials on how to do simple things like shadows and portals with MathGL++, please contact me by email if you have an idea or a problem you would like explained in a tutorial.
Posted by: Jacques
May 24, 2005
OK, I finally validated the page, there should hopefully be far less browser problems. I don't have IE so I just hope it will work now that it is valid :-). I have noticed the interest in MathGL++ has increased over the past few months. Now that the SF.net stats system is online again, it is much easier for me to gauge the popularity and what people want. Alex Holkener has just posted a patch for MacOSX and I will merge it ASAP and then bring out a new stable release.
Posted by: Jacques
January 17, 2005
MathGL++ now has a much better website. Email me if there are any browser problems :-).
Posted by: Jacques
January 11, 2005
MathGL++ is heading towards a new release. I am testing the features at the moment and the new stuff seems solid. As this is alpha software remember there may be some glitches.
There are now unittests in the source tree and this should help make the lib a bit more stable. Since there have been very few bug reports I'm going to assume most of the stuff is working OK.
Other major additions to this release is matrix determinants, cofactors and the adjoint. The inverse is just a few lines of code away... There is a Quaternion to Matrix conversion method now in the GLQuaternion class, this should really help make the class more useful. There will probably not be a windows port in this release but I'm going to make sure it is in the next one :-). Many win users note that it is very simple just to copy the files into the project and go from there. Since this software is LGPL that is fine by me. Happy new year everyone and I hope you will all continue to enjoy MathGL++.
PS. If you have any suggestions about name changes to methods or new methods you need or patches you've made, don't hesitate to email me at jacquesgasselin@hotmail.com.
I would love some help with GLSL interfaces :-).
Posted by: Jacques
December 20, 2004
My holiday to the great barrier reef was an amazing experience and hard to top. I am now back to work on my research and MathGL++ of course. Please send any requests for additions and changes to MathGL++, I'll incorporate as many of them as I can into the next release. A definite addition is test cases for all classes.
Posted by: Jacques
November 18, 2004
University is finally finished, I am hopefully graduating very soon. This means many things for MathGL++. For the short future I will have lots of time to spare, so expect updated versions regularly. The long term however, depends on whether I get a job or continue to a postgraduate
level. Whatever happends I promise I will devote at least some time to MathGL++, :-).
Not long ago someone posted a link on OpenGL.org to the MathGL++ project page. Whoever you are, thank you. The activity of the project has certainly gotten a boost after that.
For release 0.5, I am looking at adding inversion and determinants to the Matrix class, special classes for cubic Bezier and Hermite interpolations and plane shadow matrix generation for the Plane class.
Thank you all for using MathGL++, I hope it is useful to you.
Posted by: Jacques
October 02, 2004
Finally I had some time to get this webpage up. It is not much but at least it has some links :-)
Posted by: Jacques